Learning by surfing- Good or Bad?

Surfing patterns of some learners

The way we surf sometimes! we don't know whether its good or bad. Let me tell you what happens with me while surfing. I'm surfing to learn something & I find a different URL on the page, I hit that URL and start reading another page and what I was reading on the main page remains incomplete.

According to me, distraction ruins one’s appetite for learning. Distractions also dwarf our learning capabilities. I suggest that we find ways not to give into distraction and stick to our objectives while learning.

Ideal distraction agents:

  1. Jumping from one page to another(links drive our learning). But we often forget to come back to the main page to complete what we started

  2. Inconsistent topic selection. We move from one topic to another topic without a proper learning goal. Eg: From Java Script to Python. You end up not completing either.

  3. Social media distraction: you are in the middle of learning something and your phone beeps and your focus shifts automatically and this will stunt your learning process. While it is okay to entertain a ping or a call on your phone, it is necessary to go back to your learning lesson and finish it.

Whatever may be the case, we need to see to it that our learning goal is achieved. some distractions may cost us months of valuable time and most often, we take a lot of time to come back to our old ways of learning.